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Technical Advice

Are you a homeowner making repairs and updates to your older home? A developer embarking on a major rehabilitation project? A non-profit organization running a historic site? A commercial property owner in a small downtown village?

Big or small, 200 years old or 50 years old, commercial, residential, or industrial, Landmark Society staff can answer your questions about building repair and adaptive use, and can connect you with the information, craftspeople, and resources you need to make your older building functional and economically viable while retaining its historic character.

Contact us with your technical questions.

Other Resources

Preservation Briefs from the National Park Service: Preservation Briefs provide guidance on preserving, rehabilitating, and restoring historic buildings.The briefs are especially useful to Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program applicants because they recommend methods and approaches for rehabilitating historic buildings that are consistent with their historic character.

Rehab Rochester: A Sensible Guide for Old House Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation (5 MB PDF)

Find Funding: Our list of possible funding sources for religious institutions, non-profits, homeowners, and developers.

Contractors/Craftspeople: In order to respect and maintain the unique historic details and character of your property, some repair work requires the services of craftspeople who are skilled and experienced with historic buildings. The Landmark Society maintains a list of contractors who we are familiar with and we know have such experience and expertise. While we do not necessarily endorse or recommend any contractors, we can help match you with a contractor that best suits your needs. Please click here for our Contractor Request Form.