Landmark Society staff are highly experienced at researching the history of buildings, sites, neighborhoods, hamlets, villages, towns, and counties. Our organizational archives may contain information about properties that might not be found elsewhere. As a homeowner, commercial property owner, or real estate agent, you may want to learn more about the history of your or your client’s property. We are here to help!
We offer the following fee-based services:
Landmark Archives
Do we have information in our archives on your property?
- We’ll check our archives to determine what, if any, information they might contain about the history of the property. Free. 15 minutes max.
= - If we have information, we will then follow up with you to give you a general sense of what the files contain. If you wish to view that material:
- Flat access fee of $30 covers up to 30 minutes of staff time to scan and e-mail the materials.
- Additional $10 fee to produce hard copies of materials (up to 20 pages).

Landmark Research
Landmark staff conducts primary and secondary source research on your property and provides a written summary.
- Not a supporter/member of LSWNY – $60/hour (0-60 minutes is a flat rate of $60)
- Members/Supporters – $50/hour (0-60 minutes is a flat rate of $50)
- Members/Supporters at $150+ (applicable to individuals who join or support the organization financially in an amount equal to or greater than $150/year) – 1st hour free; $50/hour after the first hour
- Students or individuals for whom cost may be a barrier – Please contact us so we can discuss how we might assist you.
Please contact us to discuss your project. After learning more about your needs, we will provide you with an estimate.
Please Note:
- If you are a student or cost is a barrier, please contact us.
- Due to heavy staff workloads, please expect significant lead time for completion of research projects. The exact timing will depend on the nature of the project and the available resources. We will provide you with a schedule along with the estimate.
- The Landmark Society cannot guarantee that research will produce significant information. Often, there is very little information in the historical records about a specific property.
- All fees are non-refundable, including research that may not produce a significant amount of information about an individual property.
Contact Megan Klem at for more information.