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Landmark Legacy Society

Planned Giving is a critical part of making The Landmark’s Society’s work happen, enriching current preservation efforts and programming, enabling new initiatives, and growing our endowment to foster future sustainability. A gift may also benefit the donor by reducing income or estate tax deductions. 

A number of assets can be transferred to a charity as part of a planned giving estate plan. The most common types of gifts for planned giving are:

  • Outright gifts, such as cash, art or real estate
  • Stock, which can be transferred with no capital gains liability for the donor
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Charitable lead trusts
  • IRA rollover, a tax free donation for those older than 70 1/2
  • Bequests, gifts that are transferred or paid according to the donor’s will

Since the transfer of assets can be complicated, it is prudent to seek the help of a professional estate planner or your own financial adviser. However, we would be happy to talk to you about your intentions; if you wish, we can assist you in finding the right help in making your plans, and explore additional options with you that you may not have considered.

Planned giving to The Landmark Society means that you will be giving a lasting legacy of support for future generations, and will increase The Landmark’s Society’s ability to protect Western New York’s unique architectural heritage. Those kind and committed individuals with a passion for preservation will become part of our Landmark Legacy Society which creates the foundation on which our mission is built. Landmark Legacy Society members can choose to be recognized or remain anonymous. To learn more about how your generosity could directly benefit the organization that you care about:

The Landmark Society
Wayne Goodman, Executive Director
5 Castle Park
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 546-7029 ext. 22