Sharing our Pride of Place

The Landmark Society believes that this groundbreaking new initiative will offer a unique opportunity to educate the Rochester community about the history of the local LGBTQ movement and add to the sense of pride about the place that our city occupies in the fight for civil rights & human dignity throughout our nation’s history. Just as Rochester is celebrated for the instrumental role that it has played in the abolitionist and women’s rights movements, so should it be recognized for its contributions to LGBTQ equality. The Landmark Society, with its preservation-based mission, is uniquely positioned to honor this history.
Since some places of importance to the local LGBTQ community were likely established in secrecy, they could fade into anonymity unless their history is documented. Other sites have changed owners so many times that their importance may be overlooked.
We are now in the process of identifying sites (see our draft list here); an additional goal is to identify places that can be listed on the National Register of Historic Places, which can lead to federal and state historic rehabilitation grants and tax credits to improve and preserve buildings and places of importance.
Walking (and Virtual!) Tours
Our 6th LGBTQ Historic Walking Tour celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Empty Closet publication and LGBTQ Women’s History. An in-person tour was held on November 6th, and a virtual tour, including additional sites, was presented on November 10th. Thanks to our partners, Evelyn Bailey of the Out Alliance, the Human Rights Campaign, ImageOut – Rochester’s LGBT Film Festival, and the City of Rochester. To view the virtual tour, click on the second video below.
Previous Tours:
This is our collective story - we need your help!
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- Comment in the map portal above or use the form below to contact us with updates you have for our sites, and if you have new sites you'd like to see included!