“Where can I get money to preserve my historic building?” – this is one of the most common questions asked of Landmark Society staff. Here are some funding resources for homeowners, religious institutions, nonprofit organizations, municipalities, and developers.
Contact The Landmark Society staff directly for more information about any of the programs listed below.
For Homeowners
- NeighborWorks® Rochester Home Improvement Loans
- Tax Exemption for Rochester’s Historic Properties
- New York State Historic Homeowner Tax Credit program
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 203(k) Program
For Religious Institutions, Nonprofit Organizations, and Municipalities
(Note: Religious organizations are eligible for some, but not all, of these programs.)
- The Landmark Society’s Preservation Grant Fund provides grants of up to $3500 to help fund pre-construction studies.
- Sacred Sites Grants through the New York Landmarks Conservancy
- Funding through The Community Foundation
- New York State Environmental Protection Fund Grants
- Preserve New York Grant Program for historic structure reports, historic landscape reports and cultural resource surveys, through the Preservation League of NYS and the NYS Council on the Arts
- The Preservation League’s Technical Assistance Grant Program for small consulting grants up to $3,000, through the Preservation League of NYS and the NYS Council on the Arts
- New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA)’s Architecture, Planning and Design Program
- Funding from the National Trust for Historic Preservation: Includes the National Trust Preservation Funds, the Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation, the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors, and two loan programs.
- Transportation Enhancements Program: Grants for Transportation-Related Projects
- The New York State Main Street Program
- Certified Local Government Program
For Developers
- New York State and Federal Commercial Tax Credit programs
- 20% State Commercial Tax Credit
- 20% Federal Tax Credit for Rehabilitating Income-Producing Historic Properties
- 10% Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit for Non-Historic Buildings
- Learn more about Historic Tax Credits from the National Park Service
- City of Rochester Conversion Urban Exemption Program
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
- Tax Exemption for Rochester’s Historic Properties