A is for Architrave, B is for Balustrade
9 in stock
A is for Architrave, B is for Balustrade
Written and illustrated by Cara Macri
Find out what escutcheons, jambless fireplaces, and oriel windows are with this clever alphabet book of architectural elements, brightly illustrated for children and parents of all ages to enjoy. Before you know it, you will be looking for fanlights, balusters, and quoins hiding in your neighborhood. All illustrations are details from real buildings in Albany, New York. No building appears twice!
Our colleague Cara Macri is an artist and historic preservationist. She has been the Director of Preservation Services at Historic Albany Foundation for 12 years. Her current preservation obsession is the restoration of the 1728 Van Ostrande-Radliff House.
When not focusing on historic buildings, Cara lives with her husband and brood of three children in their 1870s home in Troy, New York. In the summer months, she can be found canning and gardening. In the cooler months, she is often baking something rainbow sprinkled with her children. Scones are their favorite.
NOTE: Available for local pickup only at Landmark Society’s offices, 5 Castle Park. We will notify you via e-mail when your order is ready.