The Landmark Society, on behalf of the City of Rochester, completed a City-wide Historic Resources Survey in 2021. The purpose of that survey was to identify areas or individual properties and sites that meet National Register of Historic Places designation criteria, as well as to create an inventory of the historically significant properties within the City of Rochester. As part of the survey, several areas around Cobbs Hill Park were identified for their significance in Architecture, Horticulture/Landscape Architecture, and Community Planning & Development.
As a result, the Cobbs Hill Historic District Committee and the Southeast Area Coalition (SEAC) have contracted with The Landmark Society to complete a National Register of Historic Places nomination for the Cobbs Hill Historic District, which will include the residential neighborhood, Cobbs Hill Park, Washington Grove, and Brighton Cemetery.
Who is involved?
The Landmark Society will perform the work of the preservation consultant, completing the extensive research, writing, and communication with SHPO necessary for a National Register nomination. Bero Architecture will be part of the consultant team, focusing on the Cobbs Hill Park, Washington Grove, and Brighton Cemetery portions of the nomination. Landmark Society staff will assist the neighborhood with fundraising efforts, holding public meetings, and spreading the word about this project.
The Cobbs Hill Historic District Committee will lead the charge on fundraising and spreading the word. For more information or to get involved/contribute funds to this effort, please contact
As a 501(c)(3), the Southeast Area Coalition (SEAC) will act as the fiduciary agent for the neighbors, accepting private donations and handling the Preserve NY Grant that was awarded for the Cobbs Hill Historic District nomination.
The NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers the State and National Register of Historic Places programs. Their staff will work with The Landmark Society to review the draft district nomination, provide feedback, and scheduling the nomination for the State Review Board. Once approved by the State Review Board, SHPO will officially list the district in the State Register of Historic Places and send the nomination to the National Park Service. SHPO also administers the Historic Tax Credit programs, which homeowners of contributing properties will become eligible for once the district is listed in the State Register of Historic Places.
The National Park Service (NPS) oversees the final step of listing the historic district in the National Register of Historic Places.
Next Steps
In December 2023, the The Landmark Society, in partnership with Bero Architecture, provided the Cobbs Hill Historic District Committee with a proposal to complete the National Register nomination. Our consultant team was selected in February 2024.
In March 2024, the Committee applied for a Preserve NY grant to fund a portion of the project, which was successfully awarded in August 2024. Preserve NY is a regrant partnership of the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and the Preservation League of NYS made possible with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, with generous additional support provided by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation. The Preserve NY grant requires a 20% cash match, so neighborhood fundraising will be necessary and is ongoing – see PROJECT FUNDING & DONATIONS below.
The consultant team began the project in Fall of 2024 and it will take approximately twelve (12) months to complete. You can learn more about these programs by watching the public meetings conducted for the Highland Park area neighborhoods below. The Landmark Society completed this project in 2023.
Stay tuned for final public meeting information, which will be sometime in Summer 2025.
If you’d like to stay up-to-date on the project and receive meeting invitations, you can sign up for the project mailing list.
The Preserve NY Grant requires a 20% cash match, so neighborhood fundraising is necessary. With grant funding and individual contributions, the Committee has raised $25,000 of the $35,000 project budget! While there is excellent momentum, we need your help to close the fundraising gap! There is $10,000 left to raise to fund the project. If you’d like to donate to this effort, you can submit a donation through the Southeast Area Coalition (fiduciary agent) online or find where to mail a check on the Cobbs Hill Historic District Donation Page.
Public Meeting recordings:
Below are the recorded public meetings that The Landmark Society held for the nearby Highland Park area historic districts. These meetings were held virtually via Zoom and include all the same information from the in-person public meetings we have held for the Cobbs Hill Historic District project.
Note: While the information is the same, the cover slide, photographs used, timeline, and district map will be different. The Cobbs Hill Historic District proposed boundary map can be viewed above.
FINAL PUBLIC MEETING: (Includes additional National Register and Tax Credit information)
National Register Historic District Nomination Process:
- Landmark and Bero staff fieldwork & research (September 2024 - June 2025)
- Submit draft nominations to Cobbs Hill Historic District Committee and NY SHPO (July 2025)
- Make revisions as needed
- NY SHPO schedules nomination for a quarterly State Review Board (anticipated December 2025)
- After State Review Board approval, SHPO forwards nominations to National Park Service for final National Register approval
- The Cobbs Hill Historic District is listed in the State and National Registers of Historic Places! (anticipated early 2026)
Does listing our neighborhood in a National Register Historic District restrict what I can do to my home?
NO. The National Register of Historic Places historic district is an HONORARY designation. There are no restrictions to private property owners unless there is state or federal funding or permitting involved in a project.
What’s the difference between a National Register Historic District and a City Preservation District?
A City Preservation District is a part of the City of Rochester’s Zoning Code. Alterations to the exterior of properties within a Preservation District require a Certificate of Appropriateness. Demolition is prohibited. National Register districts offer no protections or restrictions when private money is being used.
Who qualifies for the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program?
Owner occupied homes located in a qualifying census tract (all of the City of Rochester is in a qualifying tract) and a National Register historic district.
What type of work qualifies for tax credits?
Kitchens & bath remodels, porch repairs, paint, HVAC, window repairs, floor refinishing, etc. Landscaping and garages/carriage houses, and appliances do not qualify.
How do I apply for tax credits?
Before beginning any work, complete an application detailing your proposed work. Submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.
Still have QUESTIONS? Contact Megan Klem at
>>Click here to learn more about the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program
If you have specific questions about the tax credit program, you can contact Christina Vagvolgyi with the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) at: 518-268-2217 or
>>Click here to learn more about the National Register of Historic Places