
Writers & Landmarks: Personal and Pithy


Landmarks 2013 Spring 1The latest issue of our print magazine, Landmarks, featured the launch of a new column that we’re organizing in conjunction with Writers & Books. The column is called “Writers & Landmarks: Personal and Pithy” and we’re looking for submissions from YOU. The guidelines are simple:

  1. Contributions should be approximately 500 words.
  2. Essays should relate a personal memory or reflection on an example of the built environment in Rochester and the Western New York communities served by The Landmark Society. The essay should stress what the site has meant to the individual and his/her community. Essays can be written in the first person and tell a personal memory of a place. Or, the writer may choose to tell the story of a place and what this place has meant to a community (and community can be a neighborhood, group, town, city, etc).

Contact Larry Francer, Associate Director of Preservation at The Landmark Society for more information.

If you’re a Landmark Society member, your copy of Landmarks, with the first Writers & Landmarks column, is on its way to your mailbox. This inaugural column was written by Joe Flaherty, Executive Director of Writers & Books, about Writers & Books’ headquarters, designed by renowned Rochester architect Claude Bragdon. The column also features renderings of the building by Mark Payton.

Image Courtesy Mark Payton
Image Courtesy Mark Payton


Writers & Landmarks: Personal and Pithy
