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Megan Klem joins Landmark staff


We are so excited to welcome our newest staff member, Megan Klem! Megan joined the Landmark Society team in November, 2020 as the Preservation Planner. She will be working on fee-for-service projects, including National Register nominations and historic resource surveys in communities like Avon, Naples, and Nunda, as well as finishing up the Citywide survey in Rochester that we’ve been working on with City officials for the last several years. Megan will also manage the Old House Help program and the Genesee Valley Rural Revitalization (GVRR for short) grant program.

Megan received her bachelors in Family and Consumer Sciences / Interior Design with a minor in Business Administration from Mercyhurst University and a Master of Science in Interior Architecture with a concentration in Historic Preservation from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. After graduation, she worked for Johnson-Schmidt & Associates, Architects in Corning, NY as their Interior Designer and Preservation Specialist, working on several tax credit projects, National Register nominations, and building and district surveys. Prior to starting with the LSWNY, Megan worked at the Maryland Historical Trust (MD SHPO) as a Preservation Officer reviewing state and federal rehabilitation tax credit projects.

When she’s not working, Megan enjoys spending time at her family’s cottage, boating, kayaking, playing the piano, and volunteering with the Junior League. Originally a native of the Rochester area, Megan is excited to be back following her passion close to family and friends.


Megan Klem joins Landmark staff


2 thoughts on “Megan Klem joins Landmark staff”

  1. Megan. Please contact me. I live in Corn Hill (85 S. Washington St.) and need your help to get permission to repair my front porch. I would like to hire the Landmark Society to assist me. I have left several messages on your voicemail.
    Deborah Onslow

  2. Dear Megan,
    Welcome and thank you for joining the staff at The Landmark Society. They are a busy, and often over worked and spread thin group.
    It’s such a wonderful resource for all of Rochester’s citizens.
    I look forward to meeting you and having your help in the future, maybe in relation to the Old House Help Program.

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