YUP 2014-12-12

Ugly Sweater Holiday Party next Friday


Swing by The Daily Refresher for some good drinks with good people. Just an informal gathering. Like the invite says, ugly sweaters optional. (But we just might have a prize for the ugliest….)

Get involved with the YUPs!

StJoes_OpentheGates_06-24-14_72If you missed our open planning meeting in September, here’s your chance to get involved with YUP events and projects that are meaningful to you. Sign up at this spreadsheet to help execute the projects or events that are interesting to you.

Projects include: small town field trips; homeowner workshops; pop-up events; YUP house tour; and our WHERE THE #&@% AM I? coaster project, among others.

Please note: the spreadsheet contains 7 different tabs/events. Please click through each to see which ones you want to sign up for. Then add your full name and email address. The lead person on that project will get in touch with you soon!

Guess what–we’re on Instagram now too!
Follow us @youngurbanpres!

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